last updated by Lisa 5 months ago
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  • #10699

    Cam, 20, England. I chose to study at concordia as I wanted to fully experience uni life in the city and i have always found canada fascinating. My fav food is calamari haha. I am excited to play for Concordias soccer team and I hope to connect with people :). Hmuu


    Hey Cam, it’s nice to meet you virtually, I’m Zack I’m 26 and I studied Economics at ConU back in 2018!

    You definitely chose the right city if you wanted to experience Uni life downtown. Funny enough my favorite appetizer to eat is fried calamari as well and you’re in luck because there are ton of restaurants that serve some real tasty portions in the city not too far from ConU!

    What program are you in at uni? There may be some more students on here taking the same classes as you!


    Hi, I’m Lisa,20, France. I don’t really know why I chose Montreal, it has always attracted me. My favorite food is probably crepes. I hope I’ll be able to travel to New York and Quebec during the semester. And a serie I love is 10 pour 100, definitely recommend it and a book I love I would say La vérité sur l’affaire Henri Quebert. a thriller.

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